The job description is the main document for regulating the duties and powers of an employee. Do not limit yourself to describing only what the employee should do. After all, you hired him to your company not for the sake of him doing something, but for the sake of the result. Therefore, be sure to describe the expected results of the work.
Personnel management: responsibilities, work results, job descriptions
Do not classify this document. Make all job descriptions available to all employees, then they can find out the functionality and responsibilities of their colleagues at any time. This will make it easier to understand the organizational structure, especially for beginners.
How to write job descriptions
Errors when creating job descriptions
- Download the finished document from the Internet.
- Transfer the writing of job descriptions to the heads of structural divisions.
- Instruct employees to write their own job descriptions.
Personnel management: responsibilities, work results, job descriptions
Consider job descriptions as a management document, not an official one regulated by labor laws. This does not mean that you need to go against the law! But, when compiling an internal document, you can get away from bureaucracy, speak human language instead of bureaucratic, add your own requirements that cannot be regulated by law (for example, related to personal qualities, speed of response to colleagues, etc.).
The content of the job description
- The content of the job description
2. Structural subdivision.
3. Accountability – to whom this employee is accountable.
4. Substitution – who replaces an employee when he is on vacation.
5. General provisions – a description of the position (in free form).
6. Expected result of work. What does the company expect from the employee? This is a kind of checklist by which you can check how well a person copes with work.
7. Functional responsibilities. Here you need to list the specific actions that the employee must perform in order to achieve the expected result of the work. The functionality will also help in resolving disputes “who is responsible for this?”, “Who should do this?”.Rights. For example, “has the right to request information from the finance department.”
8. Responsibility. What is a person responsible for in a company? For example, the cashier is responsible for the safety of funds.
9. Checklist for self-examination. This is a set of parameters that the result of the employee’s work must meet in order for everything to be done correctly and you to be satisfied with the employee. The checklist can be modified, transformed.
Expected results of work – this is the most important item in the job description. Even if in the course of work the employee had to make some backlash of functionality (without damage to the organizational structure), this is not scary. It is important to achieve results for the company. So that employees can freely go beyond their direct duties for the sake of results, get rid of the bureaucracy in the company. Be guided by common sense and the purpose of each action, and not by dry instructions from the document.
The job description – is not the constitution. It can and should be changed.
The main thing – is that it corresponds to the position.
As the business grows, so does the team. If at the start you had 1 marketer who dealt with all marketing issues, then his job description included a list of all these issues. Over time, for example, you additionally got an SMM specialist, a copywriter and a targetologist. Then the job description of the marketer will change – he will no longer write texts, set up advertising, etc.
Competency profile and position profile
To cope with their duties, the employee needs certain professional skills. They are described in a separate document.
Personnel management: responsibilities, work results, job descriptions
In fact, this is a portrait of the ideal employee for this position. This is the standard of knowledge and skills that a specialist should possess. This document is created by the head of the department together with the HR manager and must be approved by the executive director.
And one more document, which contains both professional and personal qualities of an employee.
Personnel management: responsibilities, work results, job descriptions
This is a complete portrait of the personality of your ideal employee. This document can be used as a reference when looking for new employees.
The team should not have people who match only in personal or only in professional qualities. In the first case, you will get a cool person who does not bring results to the company. In the second – you will get the result at the cost of disagreements in the team, conflicts and endless disputes.

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